A La Carte - Partner Options
A La Carte - Partner Options
Note: these options are in addition to the Partnership levels above


A la Carte Partnership Opportunities:

In-kind contributions are also accepted, and will receive the following marketing opportunities

  • Signage at the specific event; and/or
  • Acknowledgement on social media regarding the specific event
  • In-kind sponsors for Fall Festival and Patron Party will also be listed in online promotional
    materials for the event



Yearbook Advertisement $200

  • One-time yearbook print advertisement
  • Half page color advertisement


One Time Advertisement $250

  • One time advertisement in weekly email newsletter (over 600 people)
  • Partner to provide the advertisement
  • Includes a social media post as well
  • Can purchase digital advertisement multiple times
  • Limit to one partner ad per week, ad schedule will be first
    come first serve


Local Business Supporter $250

  • Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees
  • Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in
    online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before July 26 to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning


Sports Field Banner $500 (Included Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)

  • Year-long sponsorship
  • Branded banner will hang on the baseball diamond fence at main campus


Fall Festival/Spring Fling Sponsorship $500

  • Fall event with games and activities for school community
  • Name/logo listed on Fun Run t-shirts
  • Opportunity to put favors or coupons in swag bags


Patron Party Sponsorship $500

  • Fall social with 250+ parent attendees
  • Recognition on promotional materials
  • Inclusion in all events/activities and marketing