Become a Warren T. Jackson Elementary School Business Partner!


Jackson Business Partners make a huge impact on school operations, providing funding support, in-kind items and services, and vital discounts that help make Jackson roar. In return for your generous donations, you will receive extensive exposure throughout the year within our school
community—600 loyal Jackson families.


There are several ways to partner up with us starting with as little as $500—contact any Business Partner Ambassador and see how your company could benefit from being a Business Partner.


Why wait? Sign up online now and submit your logo HERE.


Business Partner Ambassadors

Courtney Harris and Kelly





Platinum Jaguars $2,500+
● Folder Fliers: Printed advertisement distributed in all student take-home folders/virtual materials (1) Fall & (1)Spring placement

● Jackson Weekly: (1) advertisement in fall and (1) in the spring weekly newsletter that is distributed to over 600 people. You can purchase additional advertisements a la cart.

● Spirit Nights for Restaurants: PTO advertises details of the family night menu and ordering/pick up instructions. And/or PTO advertises on-site spirit night with a reminder to mention Jackson.

● Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees.

● Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before Jul. 26 to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning

● Logo listed on Jackson PTO Webpage and Jackson Weekly

● A (1) time Social media spotlight on business from Jackson’s instagram and facebook profiles with approximately 600 followers.

● A (1) time half page color advertisement in school yearbook that is distributed to over 300 families and teachers.

● Back to School Recognition: We will hang large banners at both campuses. They will stay there for the first few weeks of the school year.





Gold Jaguars $2,000
● Folder Fliers: Printed advertisement distributed in all student take-home folders/virtual materials (1) Fall &(1) Spring placement

● Jackson Weekly: (1) advertisement in fall or in the spring weekly newsletter that is distributed to over 600 people.You can purchase additional advertisements a la cart.

● Spirit Nights for Restaurants: PTO advertises details of the family night menu and ordering/pick up instructions. And/or PTO advertises on-site spirit night with a reminder to mention Jackson.


● Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees

● Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before July 26th to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning

● Logo listed on Jackson PTO Webpage and Jackson Weekly

● A (1) time Social media spotlight on business Jackson’s instagram and facebook profiles with approximately 600 followers.

● Back to School Recognition: We will hang large banners at both campuses. They will stay there for the first few weeks of the school year.






Silver Jaguars $1,000
● Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees

● Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before July 26 to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning

● Logo listed on Jackson PTO Webpage and Jackson Weekly

● A (1) time Social media spotlight on business Jackson’s instagram and facebook profiles with approximately 600 followers.

● Back to School Recognition: We will hang large banners at both campuses. They will stay there for the first few weeks of the school year.






Jaguar Friends $500
● Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees

● Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before July 26 to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning

● Logo listed on Jackson PTO Webpage and Jackson Weekly

● Back to School Recognition: We will hang large banners at both campuses. They will stay there for the first few weeks of the school year.



Spirit Nights/Shop Days: Opportunities to host events to which the Jackson PTO will encourage
attendance/participation. Generally, 5-10% of the event’s revenue is donated to Jackson. This can count
towards a commitment level. Marketing vehicles include the Jackson Weekly eblast, on-campus signage (to be provided by partner), and stickers for students to wear home.




A la Carte Partnership Opportunities:
Due to the success of our a la carte opportunities, we are offering them again for 2024-2025.
Note: these options are in addition to the Partnership levels above.


Additional notes:

In-kind contributions are also accepted, and will receive the following marketing opportunities

  • Signage at the specific event; and/or
  • Acknowledgement on social media regarding the specific event
  • In-kind sponsors for Fall Festival and Patron Party will also be listed in online promotional
    materials for the event


A la Carte Partnership Opportunities:

Giving Level

Yearbook Advertisement: 

  • One-time yearbook print advertisement
  • Half page color advertisement



One Time Advertisement

  • One time advertisement in weekly email newsletter (over 600 people)
  • Partner to provide the advertisement
  • Includes a social media post as well
  • Can purchase digital advertisement multiple times
  • Limit to one partner ad per week, ad schedule will be first
    come first serve

Local Business Supporter

  • Preferred Vendor Status for PTO Purchases: List of preferred vendors, in Partner level order, sent to all PTO committees
  • Discount Card Participation: Partner Participants listed in
    online directory; Participants offer a 10% discount to shoppers with card; Must commit before July 26 to be listed as a participating Partner at Celebration of Learning

Sports Field Banner

  • Year-long sponsorship
  • Branded banner will hang on the baseball diamond fence at main campus


Included Platinum,
Gold, and Silver

Fall Festival/Spring Fling Sponsorship

  • Fall event with games and activities for school community
  • Name/logo listed on Fun Run t-shirts
  • Opportunity to put favors or coupons in swag bags

Patron Party Sponsorship

  • Fall social with 250+ parent attendees
  • Recognition on promotional materials
  • Inclusion in all events/activities and marketing





PTO Members Only